VTX Softphone DesktopControl version 8 Upgrade Problem - Download Problem - Please wait 1 week and try again
Incident Report for VTX Telecom
The problem has been fixed this morning 25.06.2024 09:00 CEST, customers running DesktopControl version 7 are not forced to upgrade to version 8 anymore. We will perform a controlled introduction in the next months.
Posted Jun 25, 2024 - 09:30 CEST
* Information
- VTX VoIP Computer Softphone named DesktopControl is about to get a new version ( from 7.3.10 to 8.3.1 )
- We are currently working on this version 8.3.1 that is unfortunately not fully ready yet, so we have blocked the upgrade

* Symptoms:
- Our customers trying to download version 8.3.1 will get a "Download Failed" error

@Our Customers
1) Sorry for the inconvenience, please discard the error and keep using version 7.x for the time being
2) You may try again in one week

VTX Reference TA36200
Posted Jun 24, 2024 - 10:47 CEST
This incident affected: Telephony services.